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Old 05-16-2018, 06:01 PM   #100
Jim in CT
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WDMSO, Paul -

I agree completely that there are places in the south that are nothing but fried twinkies and trailer parks, places I would never raise my kids. It's a different culture, no question.

But there are places in the Carolinas and Tennessee, that aren't like that at all. Entire cities that are booming, $450k houses selling like hotcakes, being bought by northern transplants who want all of the things that make life nice (pretty neighborhoods, cute towns, great schools, healthy activities for kids, restaurants, good healthcare), and a much lower price. In other words, if you do 5 minutes of homework, you can find a town in the suburbs of Charlotte or the suburbs of Nashville, that look and feel and work like great New England suburbs, with southern taxes. We now know it's possible.

I know a handful of cities like that in the Carolinas and Tennessee. There are exactly zero cities in Connecticut that have the CT quality of life and southern taxes. Not one. Zip.

I'm not saying that every town in the south is as nice as CT at a lower cost. But there are some places like that. That is indisputable. Why aren't we trying to emulate that?

If I'm wrong, and there are towns in CT that offer a comparable quality of life with much lower taxes, please let me know where they are?

Not all of NC is better than all of CT. Posting studies comparing entire states, is off topic. But there are specific areas with similar quality of life, at far less cost. That is called "winning". I can't fathom why we aren't screaming for that here, and I think the reason is that the media and those who run the state, never stop saying that in general, CT has a lot of advantages over those states. They talk about the worst places in those states, but that's not where people are moving.
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