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Old 03-20-2018, 08:00 PM   #15
Callinectes sapidus
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Originally Posted by albythereforyou View Post
After around 15 years in advertising, starting as a graphic designer, to art director, then to creative director.....

During the height of my "career", I went down to Times square to view my countless hours of long nights and hard work, and I could stand dead center among thousands of people, and see 3 different campaigns that were mine. 2 regional, 1 national, 3 different big blue chip clients anyone in ad land would die for...

I stopped a random person who was wearing my clients hat on his head, and said "Hey, nice hat! That's a pretty cool billboard they have over there"

"Don't f@cking talk to me"

And it hit me a ton of bricks. tens of thousands of people, and not a single person gives a rats ass about my work. The only thing I have inspired is my bank account, and really just my boss's bank account.

that was 2 years ago. last summer I quit my full time pay my bills job, to pursue what I really love to do....and at 35 I feel like quite the jackass for basically switching careers and starting over, but f#ck computers, I'm so sick of staring at these stupid things. my life was not meant to lived sitting in a dark office making stupid crap for stupid companies

a pic of my latest painting. I am a self taught painter, this is my 9th or 10th oil painting ever. My art education consisted of 4 high school art classes, and one life drawing class in college.

I hope my artwork inspires even one person to get off their ass and go fishing, that would mean more to me then anything else...

Attachment 63275

squidward darter about to get the bass of a lifetime!
Finally see your painting 2 years later!!!
Great stuff...would love to see more of your work... finally happened, there are no more secret spots
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