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Old 02-26-2018, 03:40 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"Last I checked most lawful gun owners are not threatening mankind, so why gun control?"

Because too many guns (legally or otherwise) get in the hands of maniacs. You really don't understand that point of view at all? Yes, cars kill more people, heart attacks kill more people, but we cannot eliminate cars or legislate heart health.

I'd say as a start, no more bump stocks or high capacity magazines. The right wouldn't go for it, the left would say it's not enough. So we do nothing.

"there are laws that don't get enforced, do that first"

I keep hearing that, but it doesn't seem to be happening does it...What law on the books, would have prevented Sandy Hook from happening with proper enforcement? like we all know,
nothing is foolproof

"So get rid of all weapons on earth and man will still kill even with bare hands"

This is the argument that drives me crazy, this is the kind of extremist thinking that almost always happens on the left, but on this one issue, occurs on the right. Conservatives claim that if we get rid of AR-15s and high capacity magazines, then as sure as the day follows the night, eventually we will "get rid of all weapons on Earth".

The second amendment isn't absolute, it was never intended to be without limits.the states individually put limits and in our state we have a tyrant as AG who puts in her own edicts

"Stay inside if a revolution starts"

Another argument I hear is that we need guns to hold off a tyrannical government. Maybe in the 1930s that was true. But today, in this country? If the feds want to kill me and take my 401(k), they can launch a laser-guided missile through my bedroom window from a thousand miles away, and I'm not sure I can prevent that with an AR-15.
oh, so now we need laser guided missiles?

Jim, you don't get it that they take an inch, then another inch and keep on taking. Stand up for your rights.

blaming guns is like blaming the internet, cop out

As far as the thread title, I don't agree with Trump saying arm the teachers , but I don't agree with Biden making up gun free zones either. But taking away some teachers' choice if they wanted to carry is not cool. When I went to school there were some teachers that carried concealed and I bet there were when you went as well, you just did not know it. It did not end badly.

The United States Constitution does not exist to grant you rights; those rights are inherent within you. Rather it exists to frame a limited government so that those natural rights can be exercised freely.

1984 was a warning, not a guidebook!

It's time more people spoke up with the truth. Every time we let a leftist lie go uncorrected, the commies get stronger.
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