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Old 01-31-2018, 11:19 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
He's certainly playing racist cards to stoke anti-immigrant sentiment with disinformation.

The race card-- a card with the word racist or racism. When you play the card by putting it on top of the cards on the table, all the cards become racist or racisms regardless of their denominated values and labels. It seems that this card is played against Trump, not by him.

Goes right along with his lying about chain immigration and the lottery system. Ok, to be fair he may just not understand what the law really is.

What astounded me about his long-winded clap happy was the failure to mention anything about our democratic institutions...likely because Trump has no respect for them.

What is a "democratic institution" for you? And which ones did he not mention or should he have mentioned--voting, The Constitution, rule of law, checks and balances in government, the right to bear arms, religious liberty, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? How has he not shown respect for any of those things?

Oh . . . freedom of the Press . . . you mean that . . . are you saying that criticizing the Press when it is not properly doing its job is disrespecting freedom of the Press?

It is the height of lunacy for someone who believes that our foundational democratic institution, The Constitution, is outdated, to ask for respect for our democratic institutions.

We're living in a time where the FBI and CIA are the enemy and Russia is the insider friend...this should terrify everyone.
Are you taking us back in time to the long reign of J. Edgar Hoover who the left despised? Or to all the instances that the left has accused the CIA of lying and sabotage as in stirring up wars in the Middle East? Or the long history of the Democrats actually being complicit with Soviet involvement in our own government as well as in Asia and Europe?

Who is saying that the FBI or the CIA are enemies? Is this just another or your type of exaggerations as in your use of "racism" or accusing Trump of saying "ALL" immigrants are this or that? Is it not possible to point out malfeasance by some at the top of the FBI without saying that the FBI is our enemy? It is terrifying to think we must not ever criticize those who have the power to destroy our lives.
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