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Old 01-19-2018, 06:00 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
You post a lot of stuff (most of which I consider crap or which you don't even understand and misinterpret) and on which you tend to put a lot weight behind . . . and is slanted.

At least I try to discuss what you post. You mostly avoid discussing videos I post and just make offhand snide remarks. I tried your method in my first reply to you in this post. But you somehow dragged me into some discussion. That's my fault . . . like what Frum says Trump does, you went after my weakness of actually trying to have a discussion.
you may think I dislike Trump because he is a republican I do not

I dislike him for his actions and his words and his open attacks on our Government and his attacks against the constitution you speak of fondly . He is a great threat to America hidden in a nationalist cloak

"You post a lot of stuff (most of which I consider crap or which you don't even understand and misinterpret )

thanks for I am smarter than you line

these are not internet conspiracies Like your birthers movement or the POTUS is a Muslim or pizza shop children sex ring ran by Hillary

these are actionable statements policy directives presented by respected people.. not you tube stars

So far, in the brief time in office, he appears to be restoring power back to the people with a trimming down of the regulatory bureaucracy, his choice of judges, his lowering of taxes, his EOs such as restoring some religious liberties.

you see this as a positive because your anti GOP every ones a rino only Tump can save us from this path ?

I see is as an attempt to go back in time to a place that never existed.. to correct a problem that doesn't exist .. all for the base who praise him
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