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Old 01-19-2018, 11:25 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
"Trumper and uses the same leaky propagandist language to make his slanted left notions sound plausible. " I have been suggesting all along he has been doing what this guy states in his book ... before his book came out funny how that works and if one opens ones eyes its not that hard to see ..

If you read the whole book, could you spare us the trouble of having to do so and boil it down to the essence of what it says and give a few examples so that we might discuss it.

I read the introduction and found myself disagreeing with most of what he said either outright or on his interpretations. I agree that the so-called crisis of democracy was gathering worldwide for quite a while, and I have said several times that what was happening in this country was bringing on the destruction of our constitutional democracy, our particular brand of democracy--that the Progressive movement of gathering the bulk of power into a centralized form of government which funneled into the expanding power of the President, and the expectation that the President had become THE ONE, the doer of everything--that our system of checks and balances was being nullified. I warned that the left which has brought about this consolidation of power could regret it when a President was elected who opposed them. No one on the left cared, nor did anyone else who liked it, when Presidents or Congress or government in general, ran roughshod over the Constitution so long as it satisfied some personal gain.

The threat to liberal democracy was not about Trump, it was about individuals willingly transferring their power, their freedom and responsibilities, to more centralized governmental power in some Faustian promise of security and comfort.

If Trump has somehow embodied that threat to democracy, it is, as Frum suggests, because of the nature of the voters. But those who voted for him are the ones who were dissatisfied with what had happened to their constitutional freedoms, their democracy. And for Frum to critique Trump as President (before he has a chance at actually being one) because of his style and personal misgivings, is a bit of the cart before the horse. So far, in the brief time in office, he appears to be restoring power back to the people with a trimming down of the regulatory bureaucracy, his choice of judges, his lowering of taxes, his EOs such as restoring some religious liberties.

" He is part of the elitist, Lite-To-Heavy-Progressive RINO wing of the party " you are true Trumpanzee Typical GOP haters

I am a lover of American constitutional democracy, not dictatorial democracy based on mob rule fueled and ruled by various socialist brands of elitists and technocrats who decide what is best for us. If that is what a Trumanzee is, I'm fine with being one.

when you need to make your response on an on a whole page
its no longer a point its a complete defense ..

The on and on were responses to, I presume, defenders of Frum or of whatever unidentified something. The complete defense I make is of our American constitutional form of democracy, not democracy in general.

sorry this wasn't a youtube videos you love to post, which you tend to put a lot of weight behind .. their never slanted
You post a lot of stuff (most of which I consider crap or which you don't even understand and misinterpret) and on which you tend to put a lot weight behind . . . and is slanted.

At least I try to discuss what you post. You mostly avoid discussing videos I post and just make offhand snide remarks. I tried your method in my first reply to you in this post. But you somehow dragged me into some discussion. That's my fault . . . like what Frum says Trump does, you went after my weakness of actually trying to have a discussion.
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