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Old 12-20-2017, 11:20 AM   #307
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Family values might be a subject for an entire thread. Much I fear has to do with the fact that most households for middle class america now have two parents working just to pay bills and have some discretionary income. There are pressures on parents and kids we never experienced in our lifetime.

Then you have kids growing up glued to the latest video game, filled with violence and even if they could go outside to play ball after school like I did in my youth; parents can't be sure they will return home safely after. I'm not sure I'd want to live in my parents or my grandparents world, I can't imagine living through world wars and depressions of that magnitude, but family values were probably not a problem for most. Obviously back then the value of women or people of color weren't of much value to white america, or the male version of white america, but family values meant something whether you were black, white, irish or american.

I think the fact both sides of the isle are having the same conversation and maybe going to finally get together on a partisan bill to change the rules as they apply to harassment and stopping the practice of tax payers paying for the settlements is a good thing. Good too that CEO's are likely paying attention and I'd be surprised if most companies HR managers haven't already sat down all employees to talk about it again, whether they already met their yearly legal obligation or not.

RESPECTFUL, INTEGRITY, CHARACTER; words we sadly can't use much to describe a lot of what we see in the white house and that applies to both sides of the isle unfortunately.
COULD NOT AGREE MORE. Our moral compass is in dire need of a tune up.

In my opinion, conservatives want us to return to the family values you seem to long for (which I also long for), and liberals/progressives want us to move further away from that.
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