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Old 12-15-2017, 05:53 PM   #209
Got Stripers
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
I don't see a strong connection between sexual morality and preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution of the United States. Several whom you would call sexually disreputable have done a good job of protecting that Constitution. In my opinion, Trump is doing a better job of that than most of the recent Presidents, better than even the supposedly morally pure Jimmy Carter.

And, even so, Trump's sexual vulgarity seems to be overblown. It seems that he did not advance further than he was allowed after some initial attempt. If that is morally repugnant, than most men are. And that probably applies to most politicians.

Would you rather have a sexually pure Mike Spence as President, pushing for policies with which you disagree, or the run of the mill morally tepid politician who helps to politically get done what you approve of and desire?
I won't argue the validity of Trumps accusations, other than to say I think he's established a pattern that has been well documented and on tape. Go play any of his interviews with Howard Stern and others.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks and even admits on tape to being a duck; well I'm pretty sure it's a duck. Money and power will buy a lot of silence and doubt; I however have little doubt.....he's a bully, probably guilty of several counts of sexual abuse, we know of three rape accusations; at the least I'm convince he is a pig.

I'll give him praise for stiffening the boarders and slowing immigration by potential terrorists, I do however think he has done a piss pour job of protecting American from what I see as the largest threat to our way of life since 2011. Today what is the first thing Trump does before checking on anything of importance, he picks up the phone to call his buddy Putin to thank him for the high praise he gave Trump. Putin is playing him for the fool he his and all the while Trump does nothing to prepare us for future attacks by Russia.

Then he and his private political news outlet Fox attack the FBI and in intelligence community, the very people entrusted to protect us from the never ending cyber attacks that Russia has and continues to throw our way. Anyone even thinking of giving him intel that proves just that, just gets his big fat ego all upset, because it brings into question the validity of his election success. Dealing with him with intelligence information that involves Russia, must be like going ice fishing with only 2-3" of black ice. You think you might be safe, but say the wrong thing and upset the ego of the big child and the ice might break and your fired.

Sorry I'm not buying into your assessment of his performance to date.
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