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Old 11-17-2017, 05:06 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by nightfighter View Post
First off, in no way do I condone what Franken did.....
That said, has anyone besides me googled his accuser and clicked through her images? I am NOT saying this is reason to harass or anything, but.... how many millions has she received from those photos? What was she selling?

And further playing devil's advocate...this was in 2006? Where has she been since then? And where was Allie Raisman's father in all these years since she was abused by a US team doctor? (and where was her voice until now?) Seems the chance to grasp at a gold medal (and the millions that she will reap from them over her lifetime) was worth more than coming forward back then. If that was my daughter, I would done that man some serious damage, insuring he would never touch another girl again.....

most of theses women see their is safety in Numbers less stigma and easy to attack 1 women but when multiple women come out on 1 person with the same story thats a game changer

Franken accusers is 1 person she provided the Photo odd

You forcibly kissed me without my consent,(thats an issues)
grabbed my breasts while I was sleeping and had someone take a photo of you doing it,( never touched her breast or even the body armor see photo ) knowing I would see it later ( seem shes had the photo since 2006 ) , and be ashamed.(thats why he took it? to shame her ? by that photo? shes not ashamed of her other phots across the internet?

as this stands its a he said she said incident . and is not the same league as the people with multiple accusers . no matter how hard some try to lump them together
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