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Old 11-16-2017, 04:30 PM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by BigBo View Post
Part of the problem is the lines between Hollywood and public service are so blurred. I don't know why (perhaps it's the fantasy world/role play) but all too many people in Hollywood from the top down feel they posses superior intelligence over the rest of the country. Then many of them seek out public service when their acting careers are washed up. Most of them are blithering idiots that think they can do what they wish. Just because you were able to sell yourself doesn't equate intelligence or good values. This country is going down the sheeter real fast. I'm glad I'm on the downhill side, but I feel bad for younger generations like my grandson.
"but all too many people in Hollywood from the top down feel they posses superior intelligence over the rest of the country"

Because they think fame/money is correlated with intelligence/character. It's not. Maybe the studio heads are sharp and talented, but the actors are nothing more than beautiful puppets.

"This country is going down the sheeter real fast."

Our moral compass could use a tune-up, that's for sure.
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