Thread: crickets...
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Old 11-13-2017, 07:40 AM   #148
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
wasn't the "original intent" of the NFA to tax all firearms and create a national gun registry?
Yes and no. As with many bills being penned for congressional approval, other interests get represented in the drafting and negotiating process. It was at one point going to encompass all rifles, shotguns AND pistols and revolvers. Pistols and revolvers were dropped, and long guns were only included if under a minimum 16 inch barrel length. (obvious attempt to outlaw sawed off weapons) Silencers were included, and taxed, more so because it was a newer technology. Tax stamp on autos/machine guns was set at $200.00. (approx. $3500 in 2017 dollars) The registry was poorly written and continues to be less than effective, when looked at from a recording point of view, not a regulatory one. (The salt water fishing license is light years ahead of the gun registry.....)

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