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Old 10-28-2017, 01:00 PM   #46
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Why would that even be necessary? And for Kelly to clarify? I thought Trump had called every Gold Star Parent...and now he needs coaching?

The man has been a CEO for how many decades and he needs help to console a military widow? Jesus, this doesn't require help...

It just requires a little empathy.
The approach that served Trump well in business (be bold, and if necessary, a jerk) doesn't always carry over well into every human endeavor.

"It just requires a little empathy"

For Gods sake man, Trump has a 4-star general who is a gold star father, as his right hand man. How on earth is it a character flaw, for Trump to seek his guidance, to make sure he is using the best words possible, when speaking to people who are grieving?
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