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Old 10-26-2017, 03:43 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
If he lowers the corporate tax rate, that's good for everyone who works in the private sector. It's not just the death tax. Get some facts.

"Trump in no way meant to disrespect that women true .. but your covering for him again its what he did after thats the issue .."

I am not covering for him. What he did after, was defend himself against dishonest attacks from a moron congresswoman...

"All he had to do was say he was sorry it was taken that way"

True, but he's too thin-skinned to handle it with maturity.

Thats been my point all along he doesn't have the Maturity to be POTUS but no one has an issue with it as long he gives them something they want ... like lowering the corporate tax rate the fact are trickle down economics dont work .. and hows he paying for this ?
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