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Old 10-16-2017, 02:25 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
You constantly blame the whole Dem. party for something you don't like (that almost all of us might find wrong or distasteful) and when someone points out examples of the samething done by Reps, you always try saying "it is different bc" and then you try splitting hairs. It is no different.
Ok Paul.

For the record, both sides have jerks, perverts, a-holes, crooks, liars, etc. Neither side has a monopoly on character flaws.

Both sides also have folks that demonize the other side. But if you look at each party at the national level, if you look at the political media types, I do feel that the democrats are far more likely to demonize the other side. I don't watch Foxnews at night anymore, but I'd bet my 401k that if you watched Fox and MSNBC from 8-11, you'd see far more hate on MSNBC, I don't think it would even be close.

And I think that has consequences. For example, why are 95% of politically-motivated riots (if not more), carried out by liberals? Why can liberals say whatever they want on college campuses, but conservatives cannot?

And I'm sorry, but if you take issue with generalizations like "Democrats like to tax and spend", you need to lighten up. I concede that not every single liberal likes to tax and spend. But most support that position. There are stereotypes on both sides that generally, hold up. I'm just too lazy to put a disclaimer in every time I make an observation...
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