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Old 09-29-2017, 01:51 PM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by FishermanTim View Post
Notice how many teams that were so "for the protest of the national anthem" are now back-peddling to try and save face (and fan revenue)???

I had no problem with kneeling or linking arms, as kneeling is considered a sign of respect in many religions, and linking arms is a show of camaraderie, but when teams choose to not take the field during the anthem (like the Steelers did) then THAT is a true slap in the face for every citizen and a knee to the groin for every veteran that watches the games.

All I will say is that these adult "children" don't get paid to express their political or social beliefs on the field. They get paid to play a game...PERIOD!

If you want to start protesting and bring attention to yourselves, QUIT and go into politics.
I'm sure there are quite a few REAL football players that would be willing to take your places!
"Notice how many teams that were so "for the protest of the national anthem" are now back-peddling"

In the end, all they care about is money.

Players strike when they don't like what they see. Fans can do the same. Just like with politicians, we get the athletes and the entertainers we deserve. If revenue stays where it was, people have no right to complain.

The players have a lot of contempt for the fans, that is for sure.
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