Thread: Charlottesville
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Old 09-01-2017, 05:59 AM   #212
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
I get it .. Trump is the great unifier... Ok if you say so
Thing is, I didn't say so. Never said anything like it. I am an ardent critic of Trump.

It's funny, I debate this stuff in a few different places, and it seems like you can always count on a liberal, eventually responding to something he claims you said, but doesn't even resemble anything you ever said. I notice that the people who do this, are generally people who are losing an argument, but cannot bring themselves to admit it.

I can say that Obama was divisive (and provide irrefutable, verifiable examples of his acting in such a way), and that says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about my view of Trump. They are different people, not inherently connected by every comment I make about one or the other.

There is very little that's unifying about Trump. There was very little that was unifying about Obama. Is that going too fast for you?
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