Thread: Charlottesville
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Old 08-31-2017, 12:19 PM   #199
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Couple quick thoughts. Thanks John for your definition if there is a lefty Revolution I would be just as concerned as I am about white supremacist neo-nazis and the KKK. The other post made me laugh yep all the Democrats all their fault. Had nothing to do with white push back to Obama. Donald Trump and is birther / / Muslim has not had nothing to do with it. Just because there's a white guy helping some black guys and a black guy helping some white guys all is all is copacetic. We still have a president who tried explaining away neo-nazis by every time he criticized them added something about the left. Look at how much hate crimes have been committed by the left and the right and tell me it's the left's fault.
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"Had nothing to do with white push back to Obama"

The notion that there was widespread white pushback to Obama, is bullsh*t. Yes, of course in a nation of 300 million people who are free to act they way they want, there are some vile people out there. But among political pundits, the leaders of the party, resistance to Obama was ideological, not racist. Your post here, just proved my point. Your side is hell-bent on convincing themselves, that everyone who disagrees with you, has some kind of character flaw, based on hatred.

95% of blacks voted for Obama. I can make a MUCH stronger case that there was black pushback to McCain and Romney, than anyone can make that there was widespread "white" pushback to Obama.

"Donald Trump and is birther / / Muslim has not had nothing to do with it"

Of course that has something to do with it. It's totally legit to call Trump a birther and a jerk. Your side takes it further, and says that everyone who votes for Trump, necessarily agrees with everything he says and does. Again, anything to help bolster the case that there really is a divide.

"We still have a president who tried explaining away neo-nazis by every time he criticized them added something about the left"

Demonstrably false. There are many instances of Trump denouncing racists, where he said nothing about the left. They just don't talk about that, where you get your news. Google all the times Trump has denounced David Duke, Nazis, and the Klan.

Trump is ONE MAN. Not everyone who voted for him, is responsible for everything he says and does. Did the media say that everyone who voted for Hilary, has no sympathy for the victims of sexual assault? Hilary went on national TV and slut-shamed her husband's victims, and not once did I hear anyone in the mainstream media claim that everyone who voted for her, is heartless towards victims of sexual assault. Why is that? Can you explain? Hilary is married to a predator, she lied to defend him, and she attacked his victims. Yet no one claims that everyone who voted for her, is callous to assault victims. How come? But every time Donald Trump says something asinine, somehow that says something about everyone who voted for him.

"Look at how much hate crimes have been committed by the left and the right and tell me it's the left's fault.

Hate crimes committed by Nazis, are condemned by conservatives, almost universally. How many powerful liberals don't say anything about ANTIFA? How come liberals don't speak out against those who riot on college campuses when conservatives dare to speak their mind?

You cannot win this one, I'm holding all the cards.
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