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Old 08-19-2017, 04:13 AM   #1
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Wisconsin vote to pay Foxconn $3 billion to get new factory

The $3 billion incentives package includes about $2.85 billion in cash payments from taxpayers and tax breaks valued at about $150 million. The state is also waiving certain environmental rules.

$3 billion to get 3,000 jobs means the state subsidy amounts to around $1 million per job.

That's $66,600 per employee for each of the next 15 years

Even if the plant never expands beyond 3,000 jobs, though, Foxconn will get $1.35 billion for building the plant. Assuming even the beginning stages of the deal come together, Wisconsin will be paying $500,000 worth of incentives per job.

Another example of Corporate welfare ... Approved by who else but Scott Walker the former Darling of the GOP

is this how we get a company to come Back to the USA ... good or bad I am going with Bad... I am ok with a little Tax relief but this not so much but I dont live there ... not my concern
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