Thread: Charlottesville
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Old 08-18-2017, 09:02 AM   #121
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I can see a distinction bt a statue to the conferderate soldiers and to someone like Lee. Also, from what I have seen there seems to be a correlation bt when the statues got put up and when significant gains where made by minorities.

And I don't believe for a moment this was solely about a protest to leave statues up. If so, why the vile chants, the use of the torches, etc.

I haven't read all the posts but who are the good people who marched w/the Neo Nazis?

Can someone explain what is meant by "good"?
"And I don't believe for a moment this was solely about a protest to leave statues up"

Agreed, for many of the Nazis, it was just an excuse to vent their garden-variety racist fantasies. I don't think there were too may noted historians in that crowd who were afraid of losing monuments to history.

"why the vile chants"

I can say the same exact thing about Black Lives Matter. Something about wanting dead cops. And they got it. There are jerks out there. That's why the vile chants.

"are the good people who marched w/the Neo Nazis"

I have absolutely no idea, I don't think that was a wise choice of words.
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