Thread: Charlottesville
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Old 08-17-2017, 04:43 PM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Trump calls removal of Confederate monuments 'so foolish'

Trump: Removing statues rips apart US culture

I would like to see data on when theses Monuments were erected and what was said during the ceremony.. for example its not history if it was put in place in 1950 and the war ended in 1865..
if they were erected 30 years after the war then they historical ... not sure how that works?
Condaleeza Rice also says taking down those statues is foolish (she doesn't like whitewashing our history to make us feel better). I happen to disagree with her, I think they should come down. But that doesn't make her a racist, a white supremacist, or a Nazi, does it?

Robert Byrd was in the Senate forever, Hilary said he was her mentor. And that's OK. But when Trump says "I disavow David Duke", and when he says "I condemn violence and bigotry", that's not OK. That just makes all kinds of sense.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 08-17-2017 at 05:03 PM..
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