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Old 08-16-2017, 04:12 PM   #27
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Give me a break - pull up some Hillary lies and i'll put up 10 for Trump.

What it the 1st sentence of this thread - it is somehow the Dems fault that Trump is now Pres.
Have you been painting inside with the windows shut, or something? I will say it again, and more slowly.

This. Thread. Isn't. About. Unfair. Coverage. Of. Trump. It's. About. Unfair. Coverage. Of. Romney.

And I expanded it to include McCain. I keep saying Trump deserves much of the criticism he gets, and you keep acting like I say he walks on water.

I agree the Dems helped cause the election of Trump, many people agree with that. You then took a big leap, and assumed I think the dems did it on purpose. I am saying it was an unintended consequence of the liberal practice of attacking everyone who disagrees with them. They didn't plan on getting Trump elected. But it never occurred to them, that they'd piss off people in flyover states (the people that Dems have zero use for) to the point that those people would push back. But that's exactly what happened. Maybe Hilary's "deplorables" speech hit a nerve. That would be sweet if that's what it was.

Another example...The Japanese didn't intend for themselves to get eventually annihilated when they attacked us at Pearl Harbor. But yet they still caused their own destruction. If I say the Japanese caused their own destruction, would you say "yeah right, like they did that on purpose!!"? Unintended consequences.
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