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Old 07-31-2017, 09:02 AM   #32
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I can't recall you saying anyone was losing there $#^&#^&#^&#^& when the right here was posting petty, whiney, childish things about Pres. Obama (and I'm not talking about legitimate political complaints). - Do a search how much time was spent talking about how much golf he played or vac. he took.
Paul, I often pointed out the mistakes that Obama made, but with the 57 states thing, I usually commented that anyone will say stupid things when a camera is in front of them 24/7 for years at a time. The reason why I commonly pointed out Obama's meaningless gaffes, was because 95% of the left claimed he was this walks-on-water Messiah, an orator so brilliant that people fainted at his rallies, and how great it was to have a genius in there after 8 years of Bush the village idiot. I did it to show the hypocrisy.

Almost nobody on the left could ever bring themselves to criticize Obama, it was very much like a cult. And people who did criticize him, were accused of racism constantly. On the flip side, tons of people on the right regularly criticize Trump.

Of course there are kooks and blind ideologues on both sides. However, I see way more intellectual honesty on the right. Aside from Sean Hannity, I see very few mindless robots on the right who defend everything he does (except those in his inner circle, obviously).

I think Trump is a reptile in terms of his personal moral compass. But I'd vote for him in a second against Hilary, and probably against any Democrat at this point.

The furor over this speech, shows exactly how predictable, thoughtless, fanatical and close-minded the left is. Trump is living rent-free in all of your heads, and he loves it. You couldn't be doing more to feed his ego.
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