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Old 03-23-2017, 07:45 AM   #143
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Linesider82 View Post
Buckman, I feel like you have served this country. I'm not certain but thank you if you have.
Paul S you look like a young Robert Redford I hope the others will protect you.
Wdmso, thank you sincerely for your service and your son's current service. My thoughts are wholeheartedly with you and your son.
Wilson, you quoted Snoop? Gressak says hi, we need a proper intro on some fishy water this year. You are crossing too many paths with me.
TheDadFisherman thank you for your service!

Jim in CT, you are a strange one. Stop it with the carrier deal it wasn't trump. It was only Pence, who could legally handle that unless you're implicating the president on illegal actions? Next thing you'll want is a bailout of the auto industry.....
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"Jim in CT, you are a strange thoughtful one"

Fixed it for you.

"It was only Pence"

Wrong. Of course Pence had a large role. But Trump reminded Carrier's parent company, that they depend a lot on federal spending (they are a defense contractor). Pence partnered with Trump to pull it off. Could Pence have done it without Trump? Probably. But the irrefutable fact is, Trump made a point to promise to save those jobs, then Obama mocked him and said it wasn't possible to save those jobs, and Trump proved him wrong.

What is "strange" to me, is that people like you deny historical facts about what happened, to serve your personal agenda. I give people credit for the good they do, and criticism when they screw up, I'm not a blind party hack. If that's strange to you, maybe that says more about you than it does about me.

"Next thing you'll want is a bailout of the auto industry....."

Yeah you've got me pegged all right.
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