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Old 03-21-2017, 03:10 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"he will leave do nothing for the Avg worker "

Sigh. Tell that to the people getting up in Indiana, and going to work at there jobs at the Carrier plant. how did i guess you would bring that up again seems you have no concern bout the 2500 getting let go by the state department

He has also repeatedly said that he wants to increase tax credits for childcare expenses for families who work, and to offer tax credits for families where one parent stays home, so that more people can make that choice. He wants to implement paid family medical leave for God's sake. And he is talking about tax reform.

Now, he hasn't done those things yet. Give him some time.

IF he gets those things implemented (and that's still an "if" at this point, but there is evidence to suggest that he intends to keep promises), he will have done plenty for the little guy.

There are reasons to be genuinely concerned about this guy. Saying he won't do anything for the average Joe, is not supported by the facts. I'm sure that's what they say wherever you get your news, but it's simply not true.

"his SS supporters dont care they have theirs .."

Is that a Nazi reference? Or Social Security? the latter

So you don't support him? Boy, from 2009 - 2016, the places where you get your news, said that those who didn't support the President at that time, were racist. How things change. because it was True being black was all it took for some not to support him Trumps Lack of support is a direct result of Trump no one else

I have no problem with saying you don't support the President, I hated just about everything that Obama represented.did he leave the country better than he found it ?? will Trump??
keep waving those pom poms ... saved 700 created - 2500 he's 1800 in the hole

Wife company
Genesis Health Care Corporation just took away 4 paid holidays took away double time 1\2 if they work a holiday .. and reduced sick time she's had for the past 18 years.. and the economy the best its been in years coincidence doubtful I call it the Trump effect
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