Thread: Credibility
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Old 03-13-2017, 02:26 PM   #19
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
But if you don't think it's a safe bet that businesses will feel more comfortable investing in growth under Trump than Obama, you aren't an honest person.

I've stated a number of times business and the stock market like Trump, not sure after four years who wins and who looses in that shift of money.

The guy is vulgar, offensive, paranoid, cocky, and brash. But he knows how to cut through the red tape and get stuff done. Will the good outweigh the bad? Maybe, maybe not.

If you are going to start a list of his bad qualities, you have missed a lot; liar, bully, womanizer, thin skinned, paranoid are certainly on the top ten.
"I've stated a number of times business and the stock market like Trump, not sure after four years who wins and who looses in that shift of money"

If the stock market goes up, it's not a "shift" of money. The people who profit, are not offset by people who lost. Just because someone makes a profit, doesn't mean that someone else experienced a similar loss. Wealth is not finite, it's not like a pizza. If it were, GDP could not increase. Nothing bad happens to anyone if the stock market increases (unless you short stocks, but that's your choice). It's not inevitable that one person's gain came at the expense of someone else's loss.

Agreed, his list of flaws is long. Where I seem to differ from you and certainly from WDMSO, is that I can concede that he also has his good points, and that deeply flawed human beings can be good presidents (Bill Clinton).
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