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Old 03-05-2017, 04:02 PM   #10
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James Clapper, who left his post when Mr Trump took office on 20 January, told NBC's Meet the Press: "There was no such wire-tap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time, as a candidate, or against his campaign."
He said that as intelligence director he would have known about any "court order on something like this. Absolutely, I can deny it".
But he added: "I can't speak for other authorised entities in the government or a state or local entity."

The White House on Sunday called on Congress to investigate whether former President Obama abused his executive powers in connection with the 2016 campaign, but continued to offer no evidence to back up the claim. is that how this works you throw the rock(with out supporting evidence ) and ask for congress to investigate the person you hit with your rock???? how about they investigate you for making false statements or abuse of power

and this is only 3 months in ... Sorry men The democrats aren't as good as Republicans when it comes to BS investigations to dis credit their opponents... Trump is not making this hard

Last edited by wdmso; 03-05-2017 at 05:06 PM.. Reason: moved russian content to session thread
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