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Old 03-01-2017, 04:32 PM   #31
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Wow its sad that you needed to post such stories in an attempt to defend Trump ..

you should be outraged that it took so long to find anything he's done as a positive..

But signing a bill passed by congress is his Job its not special

and another exec order ...

and 1 coherent speech is not a Sea change

But he'll take credit for the stock market going up Great optimism for future of U.S. business, AND JOBS, with the DOW having an 11th straight record close. Big tax & regulation cuts coming!

will he do the same when it corrects it's self.. seeing he hasn't passed a thing through congress
"you should be outraged that it took so long to find anything he's done as a positive.."

The guy had tens of thousands of employees. That's a good thing. Google "Donald Trump charity" and you will see a decent sized list of acts of generosity.

What's outrageous is how dishonest everyone on the left is being with the guy. None of you can accept the fact that he has some good points. TDF was posting things that he just did this week, that wasn't all he could find for all of Trump's life.

"and another exec order ... "

A very simple question for you. I dare you to answer. If Trump was a racist, why would he sign an executive order, increasing funds to predominantly black colleges?

Is he a racist? I don't know. There is all kinds of evidence to suggest he is not.

"But he'll take credit for the stock market going up "

That's because he deserves credit for what's happening today. The stock market went up today, largely because of his speech. Not because the Dems were giving him the thumbs down.

"will he do the same when it corrects it's self"

If he doesn't, we can fault him for that. But the market may go down for reasons that have nothing to do with him.

"Big tax & regulation cuts coming!"

If you are opposed to tax cuts, you are perfectly free to pay more than you owe. But you won't. So you will enjoy the benefit of those cuts, but you won't give him any credit.
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