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Old 01-18-2017, 07:37 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
So it's ok to have an obstructionist house and senate for the past bunch of years that tried to block obama from doing anything but this is a bad thing? Ok.
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That is how it is supposed to be. The President is supposed to execute the will of Congress, not the other way around. When Obama and Congress were on the same page, he "did" what he wanted. In actuality, he did what Congress wanted by not vetoing it. His Democat controlled Congress passed the ACA. Even though not one Republican Congressman voted for it. Whenever the Republican controlled Congress wanted to pass something, Obama vetoed it, and was successful in doing so because the Democrats in the Senate backed his veto. This is how it has always been. And it will be the same during Trump's tenure. Whatever he thinks he wants to "do" will actually be what Congress wants to do. Even it's his idea, or what he campaigned on. It will be Congress's decision--Congress's prerogative.

Of course, there is the executive order nonsense. Obama "did" a lot with that. Trump may do the same.
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