Thread: Fake news
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Old 12-28-2016, 06:03 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post

I posted an articulate, intelligent, insightful person's opinion. It didn't occur to me to check out his credentials before I heard what he has to say. I think what he said was correct. I didn't hear anything that I considered lies. He was pointing out the bigger picture (I know you like to refer to the big picture) of what is actually fake in the "news."

Your Wikipedia bio of him was limited and not totally unbiased. There are, however, more scathing bios of him on the net. And also more positive and inclusive ones. None of them add to or detract from the video I posted. For me, in respect to the video, they are irrelevant. I don't agree with everything Molyneux says (and I have watched several videos), and don't have strong opinions about him as a person. But I find his opinions and interviews interesting and informative. And, even more, an alternative to the warmed over intellectually limited version of the main stream news, which, to me, has a lot of fakeness.

His credentials as a "mere" blogger are far more impressive than you imply. But, if a narrow, slanted description of the messenger is the important message for you, rather than the message itself, I understand how that works.

I like this little item by him:
It didn't occur to me to check out his credentials before I heard what he has to say.

Nor did I. I checked them( credentials ) before I heard what he said I checked them after ... And it was insightful to why he said what he said... I am curious did you come across him on the web or thru an email ? I call these feeder clips sent out by like minded people who's
bigger picture tend to include T foil hats
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