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Old 12-19-2016, 10:39 AM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Again you seem to to read I dont think the Russians Help Trump win or caused Clinton to lose.. but thats not the issue its about the russians and Trumps feckless stance on the issue

I am glad to see how those who wave their American flag and want to make America great again ... Happily support Russian hacking of other Americans their party and their citizens and some how make this a partisan issue ... keep up the good work
"its about the russians and Trumps feckless stance on the issue "

So the actions of the Dems that were revealed in the emails, have no importance?

I agree the hack is bad. But if the Dems weren't doing anything unethical, there would have been nothing to leak.

As I posted, Trump is conceding that if the FBI and the CIA are on the same page, than they are probably correct.

You want to say Trump is an azz, you get no argument from me. See, I can admit shortcomings in Republicans. I didn't see one word from you about what the emails reveal, except you question their accuracy. Given the way people got fired for what the emails claim they did, you seem to be the only one denying the validity of the leaked emails.

"I am glad to see how those who wave their American flag and want to make America great again ... Happily support Russian hacking "

Who, exactly, is happy about the hacking? Sean Hannity maybe. That's about it.

Who on your side, is upset about what the hacks revealed? Anyone?
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