Thread: Fake news
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Old 12-08-2016, 02:09 PM   #45
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
think of it as a football game...the left team has succeeded in getting away with favorable calls throughout the first half...chop blocks, mugging receivers, late hits on the quarterback all seemingly go unnoticed by the in the second half right team decides to play the style of play that the left team has established with the help of those who are supposed to be officiating, in fact, some of those officiating are tired of the less than admirable tactics from the left team and realize that they are incorrigible so they resist the urge to reach for their flags ....the coaches and players on the left team sideline scream with incredulity with each infraction not understanding why penalties are not being called.. though before halftime they were filled with glee each time they benefited from a non-call's not that the right team has lost morals or is simply making's that they've likely resolved to playing by the established rules in order to stand a chance at the end....the cognitive dissonance that you and many on the left are experiencing is not due to the fact that the right is not outraged(there is outrage if you choose to look but tempered probably thanks to years of being ignored and impugned...desensitized perhaps....or call it more "tolerant" you could say maybe ambivalence).... you are frustrated that you can't hold the two sides to different standards in order to maintain an advantage....this can be quite maddening apparently

"just win baby"
Good post. We nominated goody-two-shoes in 08 and 12, it didn't work. The media said John McCain fathered his adopted daughter in an affair, and they said Romney was a heartless tycoon. So there is no benefit to nominating a man of integrity, except for the better treatment you get on Foxnews.

Sometimes you need someone who will elbow back. Enter Mr Trump.

It's also worth noting that Trump's ethical lapses (there are many) are not applicable to everyone else in the party. All things considered, I find the air quite tolerable on our side.
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