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Old 11-02-2016, 07:58 AM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
based on what we're learning from Wikileaking...the Clinton Crime Syndicate spends a remarkable amount of time and effort cheating, lying, scheming and stealing...guess we'll have to wait for Snopes to determine what is true and untrue but there is a decades long pattern that cannot be denied
Where is Spence, did he check himself into re-hab?

The depths of the corruption are amazing, simply amazing. And I don't see how she fails to win in an electoral rout. The only way he can win, is to win every state Romney won (NC isn't looking great), plus FL, OH, and 2 other mid-sized purple states, or one large purple state. That is a tall, tall order.

Imagine for a second, if Foxnews got caught giving questions to Trump. Imagine the outcry. And the people crying out, would be right.
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