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Old 10-17-2016, 09:03 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by hq2 View Post
Yup. About gets it right. No doubt but that the media are pouring it on the Donald now, but I think they feel responsible for creating this mess in the first place. I mean, they gave him like $2 billion in free air time last year, and this is what happened. Without that, this never would have occurred.
The media could not be happier that they gave Trump that airtime. They wanted Trump to be the nominee, because Hilary could not beat anyone else that was running as a GOP candidate.

Trump's nomination was a result of a lot of things. First, was anger. Voters were angry at the GOP establishment for not fighting for conservative principles. and they (including me) had enough of Obama repeatedly telling everyone for the last 8 years, that conservatives are disgusting racists. No one challenges Weird Harold when he says that, so I can see why people were attracted to the one guy would elbow back when the left throws cheap shots.
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