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Old 09-12-2016, 08:41 AM   #18
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Really, I would tell you to listen to what is shouted at Trump's rallies but instead you can just read postings here. You yourself have called her the "C" word.

John has told some people here to "up their game". I don't think it is possible with some people.
Paul, I freely concede that Trump says ugly things, and that some his followers do as well. But here is the difference between me and you, and between me and Spence...I also recognize that ugly things are said by liberals. So since both sides say ugly things, it's a wash. we should work to clean up political discourse, but it's nonsense to suggest that my side uses ugly language more often. Hilary can't get through a speech without claiming that I hate women, gays, poor people, old people, blah blah blah. That's hateful bullsh*t too.

"You yourself have called her the "C" word."

Yep, and proud of it, and I absolutely stand by it. She cannot avoid lying, even when the truth will suffice just fine.

Do you remember Obama's "bitter clingers" comment? How is that not as bad, as anything Trump has ever said? How is Hilary's deplorable statement, not as bad as anything Trump has ever said.

I hope that really galvanizes voters in the swing states. I doubt it, but that's my hope.
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