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Old 08-31-2016, 09:27 AM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
And I voted for both Bush's until I saw what conservatism really was.
You have no idea what it is. You only know what the New York Times claims it is.

Paul, I live in CT, which is as blue as it gets. It's a wealthy state, and as I said, that's not a function of liberalism, it's a function of proximity to Manhattan. Our state is just about broke, thanks to liberals being in bed with labor unions. To balance the budget, did the liberals in Hartford demand that the unions give back anything? Nope. Those liberals want to stay in power, so they couldn't stand up to the unions. So they made brutal cuts to social services to the most needy people in my state, cuts to mental health, etc. Too bad that mental patients don't represent a powerful voting block. The Republicans tried to stop it, but didn't have the votes.

That's fact.

It's also fact, as I pointed out in the study called "Who Really Cares", that conservatives actually do have plenty of empathy for the poor. The study determines that conservatives actually have more empathy than liberals. But let's suffice to say that liberals don't have a monopoly on caring about the poor, and every time you claim otherwise, I will show you how demonstrably false that is. If you consider the religious practices of conservatives versus liberals, that is very understandable.

Here's what conservatism is - limited federal government, individual liberty, individual responsibility, sanctity and preciousness of all life, charity for those who need it, strong national defense, fiscal responsibility, letting the free market (within limits) do its thing to allow maximum upward economic mobility.

You won't hear Rachael Maddow describe conservatism that way. Because as dumb as she is, she's smart enough to know that she has nothing to gain if we have an honest discussion of what conservatism is.

George W Bush is credited with saving over one million lives in Africa, thanks to his AIDS initiatives that he led. A million lives. Did you even know about that? Bill Clinton and Barack Obama cannot claim anything even close to that. And liberals give him almost no credit, called him racist.

You have no facts, no intellectual honesty on your side, no common sense. Just insults designed to end the debate that you know you are losing.
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