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Old 07-26-2016, 10:53 AM   #252
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Yes, you are absolutely misstating it bc your are only quoting 1/2 of a statement (isn't that the type of sleazy stuff Breitbart does?) in an attempt to change the meaning and by doing that your implying I never said she hasn't lied. I started the statement by saying that "I don't think she is a serial liar". Anyone with any intellecticual honesty (or with any basic reading comprehension) would understand that didn't imply that I didn't think she never lied.

How petty is it of you to continue to discuss things that she said in 1995?
Half the statement? I wish I knew how to take a screen shot and post it, because it was your whole statement.

In your post which I put here, you denied she lied. You called it mis-remembering or something, and said it wasn't deliberate on her part, but rather due to being tired. Poor little lamb, didn't get her 10 hours of sleep.

"I never said she hasn't lied"

OK, let's stop playing semantic bullsh*t games, and end this right now. Did she lie about the sniper thing, yes or no?

"discuss things that she said in 1995"

OK, there's a statute of limitations? Well, if you want more current...she lied when she said they were broke when they left the White House. She lied when she said she turned over all of her work emails (there were 3,000 the FBI had to recover on their own), and she lied when she said she didn't send any emails that were flagged as classified (there were 3).

Current enough?

Brian Williams told a very similar lie, and it was determined that the lie precluded him from reading the news off a teleprompter, which a monkey can do. So why doesn't that same lie, preclude her from being POTUS? Surely being POTUS requires a higher degree of trust than being a TV news reporter? I have asked dozens of liberals that question, and the only response I get back is a blank stare.

You denied that her tale was a lie. Then you excused it by buying her story that she was tired. Even if that's true (which it's not), here's another question that no liberal can answer...if being tired means she can't distinguish between a smiling toddler and an enemy sniper shooting at her, doesn't THAT mean she's not fit to be commander-in-chief? What if she has a sleepless night, and a girl scout tries to give her a flower, and she yells at her secret service agent "SHE'S AN ENEMY SNIPER TRYING TO KILL ME! SHOOT HER!"

If lack of sleep makes her that deranged, you want her to have the nuclear launch codes? Doesn't the job of POTUS carry the risk that she might have to make critical decisions while tired?

You have fun trying to answer that. Again, I've asked that to dozens of liberals. The most cogent response I've gotten, is "a-der-der."
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