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Old 07-26-2016, 07:45 AM   #238
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
I could care less about her story but this is hilarious, when I'm really tired I tend to tell animated made up stories that never happened too, about supposed guns and sniper attacks and exaggerating fearing for my life in far away lands.........I mean...that's what most people "humans" do when they are tired ....right????
Exactly. Anyone who has ever taken care of a newborn, knows what it feels like to be exhausted to the limits of human tolerance. I don't know any parent, whore tiredness led them to believe that the girl scout selling cookies at the door, was in fact an enemy sniper shooting at them.

It is beyond absurd.

But this is a perfect example of what I mean when I say's almost impossible to be intellectually honest if you are a liberal. Look at Paul's posts...she misspoke and exaggerated, only because she was tired. He can't bring himself to just say what everyone knows to be true...that she lied. He can't just say, "she lied". But he has no problem telling us when Trump lies, and he won't accept "being tired" as a justifiable excuse when Trump does it.

The intellectual dishonesty, and hypocrisy, is staggering.
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