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Old 07-26-2016, 07:39 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Hillary Clinton has conceded that she "did misspeak" about landing in Bosnia under sniper fire, blaming tiredness for a dramatic description that was shown to have been significantly exaggerated.

After initially dismissing the controversy over her comments as a "minor blip", she told a Pittsburgh radio station: "You know I have written about this and described it in many different settings and I did misspeak the other day. This has been a very long campaign. Occasionally, I am a human being like everybody else."

I thought this happened 2 years ago. It was 1996.
"Hillary Clinton has conceded that she "did misspeak" about landing in Bosnia under sniper fire, blaming tiredness "

Yes that's what she said. And no rational person believes that. First, saying "I misspoke" is nowhere near the same as saying "I lied". What she did, is claim that she made an honest mistake. The problem, no normally functioning human being, ever, has honestly mistaken a smiling child handing you a flower, with a sniper shooting at your head. Second, as I asked before (and which you dodged, naturally), if being tired renders her unable to differentiate between a smiling child and an enemy sniper, how can you say she's fit to be POTUS?

Paul, give it up. You won't admit she lied, and no one believes that she made an honest mistake. No one confuses such things.

"significantly exaggerated."

As opposed to lied. Got it.

How do you guys say these things with a straight face, exactly?
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