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Old 07-25-2016, 02:34 PM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Every indep. fact checking org. says Trump has been more dishonest than Hillary (and more than every other Rep. and Dem. candidate and when I've pointed that out in the past you say something along the lines of "Who says they are independent?".
So you 'don't know' if she was lying when she said she came under sniper fire at that airport? Have you seen the video?

Paul, correct me if I'm wrong. The only way she wasn't lying, is if she truly believes a sniper tried to shoot her. In which case she isn't a liar, she is a lunatic.

You say I am a hypocrite because I am voting for trump, even though I recognize his ethical lapses. Again, does that mean you don't admit that Hilary has ethical lapses? You agree with every single thing she has ever said or done?

I have yet to meet a perfect politician. I have to vote for somebody, I have to vote for the best available fit. Not sure how that makes me a hypocrite.

Neither you nor Spence can bring yourself to admit that she lied about the sniper thing. That is absolutely incredible to me. Is she blackmailing you guys? What do you think would happen, if you said out loud, "yes she is a liar, but I am voting for her, because I like her policies more than those of Trump". I promise, the world will keep spinning if you say that.
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