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Old 07-25-2016, 01:30 PM   #218
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Jim, face it you're a hypocrite. You can justify your actions but someone you hate won't get the same benefit.
I think you are coming un-glued

I asked you if you were capable of criticizing Hilary as I did Trump - and you dodged completely, instead calling me a hypocrite.

I'll try one. Last. Time.

I will immediately admit that Trump is a boorish, crass, loud-mouthed jerk.


Now, can you concede that Hilary is a serial liar who denigrated the female victims of her husband's predation? Yes or no?

I called out Dems for being unable to criticize Hilary. You refuse to criticize her. In other words, you prove my point exactly. And you say I am thy hypocrite.

You hold Trump accountable for his flaws. You refuse to do the same with Hilary. And I am the hypocrite? So pointing out glaring hypocrisy, makes me a hypocrite, I see!
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