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Old 07-20-2016, 10:46 AM   #87
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
We've covered all this previously.
Pardon me, no sir. I have never asked you (because the FBI hadn't confirmed it) about the fact that she said she turned over all her work emails (when the FBI said there were thousands she didn't turn over).

On the sniper thing, the most you ever admitted to me, is that you don't think she lied. We never went further than that. Let's do that now, if you have the honesty?

If you don't think she lied, that necessarily means that you think she believes it really happened. Which necessarily means she is a lunatic.

If lying like that means that Brian Williams isn't fir to read the news off a teleprompter (which any monkey can do), how can it not mean she's unfit to be POTUS?
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