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Old 07-19-2016, 01:03 PM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post

And this study said "2. Armed and Shot by Police: Across Race/Ethnicity

The median probability across counties of being {black, armed, and shot by police} is 2.94 (PCI95: 2.23, 3.86) times the probability of being {white, armed, and shot by police}. The median probability across counties of being {hispanic, armed, and shot by police} is 1.57 (PCI95: 1.14, 2.09) times the probability of being {white, armed, and shot by police}." I believe that it is a larger sample then the 1 you focused on (which happened to be published by the New York Times. It is hilarious when I have posted other items from the NYT you have called it a liberal rag and have always claimed it is biased)

Both studies use a sample size that are prob. too small and I didn't read the whole thing.

I earlier posted a link to follow up questions asked of the author of your posted survey.

What the author failed to take into account was the fact that Blacks get stopped at a much higher rate than whites. Rep. Scott said he got stopped 7 times in 1 year.

If a Black is stopped 2x more than a white on average but a White has a 20% less likely change to be shot than a Black, the Black person has a higher chance of being shot.

Regardless of any study, as I said earlier, a lot of it is perception. Blacks get treated much harsher than Whites (which the study you posted clearly demonstrated.
"It is hilarious when I have posted other items from the NYT you have called it a liberal rag "

It is a liberal rag. But this wasn't an editorial, it was a data study done by Harvard. Two very different things.

"Both studies use a sample size that are prob. too small "

Could be. But what facts does Obama have then, when he says the cops shooting black kids are not isolated incidents?

"Blacks get stopped at a much higher rate than whites"

What I was talking about, what Obama was talking about (when he said they weren't isolated incidents)and what Black Lives Matter is stalking about, are shootings.

"Rep. Scott said he got stopped 7 times in 1 year. "

That indicates exactly nothing. Maybe he drives like a lunatic. You say the Harvard sample was too small, but a sample size of one is enough to draw conclusions from?

"the Black person has a higher chance of being shot."

Not what the Harvard professor concluded, but what does he know.

"a lot of it is perception"

Very true. And the perception has been distorted, intentionally, for political gain.

"Blacks get treated much harsher than Whites (which the study you posted clearly demonstrated"

And that needs to be addressed. But the study showed that blacks are not getting shot in disproportionate numbers. Meaning, Black Lives Matter has no purpose, which all rational people already knew.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 07-19-2016 at 01:15 PM..
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