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Old 07-19-2016, 11:44 AM   #12
Jim in CT
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Can we get back to my original post?

Harvard University (which liberals like to say is a respectful institution) just released a study of 15 years of data, and concluded that there was zero evidence of racial bias in police shootings.

Given that, why aren't Obama and Hilary Clinton touting that? I mean, isn't that a GOOD thing? If Obama and Hilary gave a crap about the truth, wouldn't they say to Black Lives Matter, "turns out we were wrong, there's no reason to think that your skin color puts your life in jeopardy at the hands of the police, so now we can focus on what will really save lives, which is gang violence in our cities"?

Instead, Hilary has Michael Brown's mother as a political prop? How about the mother of Son Of Sam, can the liberals claim she is a victim too?

Again, shouldn't we all be relieved that Harvard concluded that there was no racial bias in police shootings?

The answer is no, because all that matters is protecting The Narrative.

I wonder if that researcher got fired from Harvard yet...
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