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Old 07-02-2016, 01:47 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I love it, so 7 million dollars later and we've uncovered that there were frequent changes of clothing and people who should have hated us actually liked us.

Other than that nothing changes. What a bombshell
Maybe you're responding to the wrong post? My post was not about getting into the weeds about what was "new" in the Gowdy investigation (though there was more "new" than you suggest). There was, also, greater amplification and clarification of the "old news." But, then, you like to beat the old dead horse of "old news" and "nothing new," and "millions spent" mantra. That's the immediate, predictable, evasive spin you and the administration put on these things, as well as it's "time to move on." Your nothing new mantra has been beaten to death. It is tiresome and not only evasive spin, but actually ignorant. And seven million is like about zero compared to what progressives waste on their pet wants and needs.

I was responding mostly, and especially, to your not convicted of or cleared of any "wrongdoing"--another of your dead horse mantras that slyly seems to make a distinction between doing wrong and wrong doing.
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