Thread: WWHD
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Old 06-30-2016, 07:14 PM   #28
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
my comparison was to highlight peoples outrage over an email server and her need for Jail time yet trumps support of torture and his willingness to use it.. which is clearly illegal and morally wrong many have no problem with him committing a defined Crime .. but feel, she has committed a crime with the server ??
not saying she wasn't wrong or Stupid or got poor advise but come on
Not sure where you are getting your info. The US Justice Department signed off on the use of waterboarding. That necessarily means it's not a crime. They said it was within the law, and they are the authority on that. When the lawyers for the Justice Dept tell you that something is legal, that means it's legal.

Hilary is being investigated for possibly breaking the law.

Apples and oranges.

People are free to decide whether or not to hold Trump or Hilary accountable for his support of waterboarding, or her belief that the rules don't apply to her.
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