Thread: NC bathroom law
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Old 05-14-2016, 12:17 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
What rights have you lost and I have gained or not lost ?? seems to be more emotional than factual ??

When the Federal Government goes beyond the powers reserved for it and usurps the powers left to the States and to the people in their localities, we have all lost constitutional rights not only to self-government, but the right to be free from oppressive government.

And when a central government grants itself the power to create rights outside of its right to do so, it engenders the belief and sets the precedent that our rights belong to it not to us. As that central power expands its domain over our lives with tens of thousands and growing numbers of regulations, even to minutiae such as gender preferences and bathrooms, it gives credence to the ideology that it should indeed have the power to do so, and that "rights," indeed, are created and given by government, and that any notion of rights being unalienable, not to be tampered with by government, is an old, unworkable, even silly notion.

In order to agree upon what rights we have lost or gained by unconstitutional regulation, we must first agree on the difference between unalienable rights and government granted rights. Unalienable rights are natural, inherently owned by individuals, precede government, and cannot be abridged by government. Government granted rights are owned by government's power to create them, and its power to take them away.

If you study the history of the Constitution and its transformation from law to a "living, breathing" embodiment of evolving unlimited governmental power, it will be obvious how much unalienable right we have lost and been replaced by government concocted, dictated, and owned "rights."

If we both agree on that, and you think you have lost nothing, but gained rights by it, then your love of and trust in the power of unlimited government is either emotional or based on the misunderstanding or ignorance of facts.

So in your world view allowing transgender to use the bathroom of the sex the identify with.. as taking your rights away in my world view its giving a right to people different than my self .. like same sex marriage its called addition not subtraction

I don't have a world view on "rights" to bathroom use. Such rights, if they truly can be considered "rights" rather than customs, are dependent on the people of different parts of the world. Should our Federal Government have its regulatory agencies tell the world how to use bathrooms? Should it be telling the people of all the localities in the U.S. how? Do You really want the Federal Government to have that much power? Well, it's apparently no skin off your nose if it does. But, here in the U.S. forcing the preference of a few over that of the many gives a preferential "right" to the few and takes away the preferential right of the rest. It seems, regarding addition and subtraction, it raises the sum of a few and subtracts from the sum of the many.

I see conservatives much more willing to limit the rights of others and their own followers in order to maintain what they call Traditional Vaules but they use the word Ban all the time they ban this they will Ban that !! even in the 2a argument the right loves the word Ban for the past 50 years... I dont support banning guns but that wont stop Conservatives from thinking I do... why because I am not upset if a transgender uses the same rest room I do or gay people get married or people shouldn't be shot or beat by police no matter how much they may or may not deserve it .. reguardless of there Race

You're not understanding that limiting the power of government expands the "rights" of the people. When you drift from that principle into the quagmire of "interpretation" and personal opinion, your perception clouds into a mixture of emotion, contradictory ideas, misperceptions, incomplete thoughts, and all matter of unintelligible confusion. You become ripe for rhetorical devices rather than logic.

calling them cowards when they oppose your points of view,,???? Dont recall calling any one person a coward however being afraid is very different from being a coward and I haven't met many conservatives who wont defend their views Vigorously sadly I have met many liberals who don't defend their views Vigorously

1. Coward
a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.

Afraid feeling reluctance, unwillingness, distaste, or the like:
Fear is the overriding emotion in cowardice. There are several other definitions of "coward" other than the one you give. There's this: "Cowardice is a trait wherein fear and excess self-concern override doing or saying what is right, good and of help to others or oneself in a time of need." And, regarding the word "courage" which is part of the definition you give here, there is this: "Courage is resistance to fear."

Here are a few of instances you accused conservatives of fear:

"Step back from the emoting and fear and look at the big picture."

""Conservatives are afraid of everything and everyone."

"The possibility of other justices not seeing the world as you do its terrifying."

"Wow can you 2 be any more afraid of black people"

Those quotes have a good deal of what resides in various definitions of cowardice.
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