Thread: NC bathroom law
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Old 05-11-2016, 08:01 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
love Red Stripe...

m? about the boy's locker room..or the girl's...I think there have been examples of this?....can people who have one anatomy decide to compete in a sport based on their gender identity rather than their physical gender....can a male identifying as a female compete in and get a scholarship as a female athlete if he identifies as a her? I'm all for accommodating people but it's just amazing that often those that want accommodation(in many things) and don't want their sensibilities challenged....are more than willing to challenge the sensibilities of others and even attack them for not being fully accommodating

this is exactly where all of this is going...i just want to know the rules

btw... unisex showers and bathrooms are a great idea for college campuses where the "culture of rape" apparently exists and you can be charged with all sorts of crimes for looking at someone the wrong way or saying the wrong thing...shouldn't be a problem
"how about the boy's locker room..or the girl's...I think there have been examples of this?...."

Yes, in IL (I believe) a boy decided he was a girl, the schoool let him play girl's sports and use the girls locker room when no one else was in there. Naturally, that wasn't good enough for the fanatics, who sued to give the boy full access to the girls locker room any time he wanted, and they won in court. So now girls have to shower with boys. Isn't that swell?

"those that want accommodation(in many things) and don't want their sensibilities challenged....are more than willing to challenge the sensibilities of others and even attack them for not being fully accommodating "

As we all know, that's the glaring hypocrisy of liberalism. Diversity of everything, except ideas...
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