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Old 02-29-2016, 12:09 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Trump did disavow Duke's support after Rubio laid into him.

I'm suprised he knew nothing about "David Duke or white supremacy or white supremacists"

Should "white supremacists" or black racists not be allowed to vote? Why should a candidate have to disavow a vote? It's going to count in the tally whether its disavowed or not. And candidates who win election don't have to, nor could they, make into law every desire of all who voted for them.

The guilt by association thing didn't sway Democrats from voting for Obama even though he was closely associated with radical anti-American, Marxist/communist people. He was actually more directly associated with those people than Trump is with so-called white supremacists.

In the Southern states that vote Tuesday, Republican candidates will face an electorate that is overwhelmingly white. In South Carolina, the only Southern state to have voted so far, 96 percent of the GOP primary electorate was white, while 6 in 10 voters in the Democratic race were black.

While the South was once a Democratic stronghold, many white conservatives who backed the party started moving toward the GOP during the civil rights movement. Trump has borrowed from the rhetoric former President Richard Nixon used during that time to appeal to working-class white voters, describing his campaign has a movement of the "silent majority."

The irony in the notion that the "Southern Strategy" was racist is that the South became less racist as the South became More Republican and less Democrat.

Trump was asked Friday by journalists how he felt about Duke's support. He said he didn't know anything about it and curtly said: "All right, I disavow, ok?"
There you have it. He disavowed Duke's support. But Duke's vote will count anyway. Happy now.
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