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Old 02-25-2016, 03:17 PM   #19
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
She's doing it for votes....Period. If she gets elected what exactly can she do to fix white privilege? nothing...that's what. Because its a BS fantasy that doesn't exist.

And stop with the BS of a black man having to claw his way harder than a white man......there is ALWAYS going to be people in this world who have it easier than someone else....regardless of the color of their skin....that's called life.

There are black kids from rich black families going to top tier schools and white kids from poor white families going to community that Black Privilege we are seeing? No....just an example of somebody having it better than somebody else....that's all.

I'm getting tired, as a White Heterosexual Male, of always being made out like I'm the root cause of everybody's problems.

Do good in school, stay out of trouble, work hard, and continue to strive....and guess what, good things will start to happen.....notice that all of those things have absolutely nothing to do with the color of anybody's skin.
"She's doing it for votes....Period"

Obviously. if she believed one syllable of that crap she's peddling, she would have allowed Obama to be the nominee in 2008, unchallenged. But boy, did she fight him for that. I'm supposed to believe that she's wracked with white guilt?

"And stop with the BS of a black man having to claw his way harder than a white man"

Spence and Nebe, do you think that a wealthy black man has it harder than a poor white man? if not, then it's not about race.

"I'm getting tired, as a White Heterosexual Male, of always being made out like I'm the root cause of everybody's problems"

So are a lot of us. Which is exactly why Trump got 46% of the vote in Nevada.
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