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Old 02-25-2016, 03:14 PM   #150
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by buckman View Post
It's all about personal responsibility versus excuses . I have plenty of Dominican and Jamaican friends that are doing just fine . They came from very poor and oppressed areas . They are just good honest hard-working folks who take care of their families . To a man they would agree with Jim on this
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"I have plenty of Dominican and Jamaican friends that are doing just fine "

DING DING DING, we have a winner again!!

Every Sunday, I fill up my truck with gas at the local Shell, and stop in to get the paper. The family that owns the station, is from the African nation of Liberia, one of the last places on the planet you'd want to be born. Every singlke time I go in there, the husband and wife are working, all smiles. Their two kids are either studying or working. They even manage to pull their pants uo high enough so I don't have to see their underwear. They cam here with nohting, worked at the store, git some kind o ffederal loan to help them by the store. They work 7 days a week. And their kids both go to college for free.

I have spoken to this man countless times. He always asks me why anyone would claim this is an overtly racist nation, sinc ethis is the only nation on th eplanet where he could come with nothing, own a business, and give his kids a world-class education.

He has said to me, many times, that if you are black, it's better NOT to have been born here, but rather to immigrate. And not because of white people. But because of the culture embraced by too many American blacks.

His story is not unique. Every town in every state, has a similar family. And we have a black President. And still, we have Hilary asking "when will we overcome?"
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